SIR - System Innovation Romania
SIR stands for System Innovation Romania
Here you will find, what does SIR stand for in Software under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate System Innovation Romania? System Innovation Romania can be abbreviated as SIR What does SIR stand for? SIR stands for System Innovation Romania. What does System Innovation Romania mean?System Innovation Romania is an expansion of SIR
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Alternative definitions of SIR
- Sampling Importance Resampling
- Susceptible Infected And Recovered
- Skill Integrity And Responsibility
- Shuttle Imaging Radar
- Self Insured Retention
- Statistical Inventory Reconciliation
- Surface Insulation Resistance
- Sons In Retirement
View 100 other definitions of SIR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SCL Saurashtra Chemicals Limited
- SAG Stewardship Advisory Group
- SIGSPL SIG Systems Pvt. Ltd.
- SSPL Skybridge Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
- SLS Sport for Life Society
- SCBP Somerset County Business Partnership
- SMDC Soil Mechanics Drilling Corp.
- SFA Sarcoma Foundation of America
- SG The Software Guild
- SRHL Surrey Rest Homes Ltd.
- SDN South Dade Neonatology
- SIHH Sea Island Habitat for Humanity
- SCMCL Southern Can Making Company Ltd.
- SLC St Lawrence College
- SBSC Social Bookmarking Service Corp.
- SRA Social Revolt Agency
- SM The Students Magazine
- SPH Solutions for Public Health
- SNWE Shenyang New World Expo
- SDC Sunshine Digital Communication